10 Common Causes of Toothache, part 2

Few things can be as annoying or interruptive as a toothache. When the pain is severe, it’s often difficult to go about your daily routine. It’s been known to bring even the toughest men and women to their knees, and that’s exactly why you should be...

10 Common Causes of Toothaches, part 1 of 2

What causes your toothache? Anyone who has ever had a toothache can tell you that it’s not pleasant. In fact, the pain of a toothache can get so intense that it’s difficult to even think straight at times. When you experience a toothache, it means that you...
Bad Breath Doesn’t Have to Ruin Your Day

Bad Breath Doesn’t Have to Ruin Your Day

We all want to think that our breath smells just wonderfully, but the truth is that millions of people experience bad breath every day. The problem is that it’s difficult to know when you have bad breath until someone points it out, which can be extremely...