Charcoal Toothpaste…The Verdict Is In!

Charcoal Toothpaste…The Verdict Is In!

Charcoal toothpaste has become one of the new fads in the world of “natural” health trends.  These products are marketed as chemical-free alternatives that are better for whitening teeth and preventing bad breath.  BBC News Online (UK)has recently shared a review in...


Straighter Teeth Without Metal Braces Invisalign – A Comfortable and Convenient Approach to Teeth Straightening Would you like to improve your smile with minimal interference in your daily life? Don’t want to deal with metal brackets and wires plus frequent...
The Best Toothbrush For You?

The Best Toothbrush For You?

A common question patients ask is “which is the best toothbrush: a manual or electric ?” Like most things, it depends. We have listed some of the major advantages of each kind of toothbrush to provide some insight into what kind is the best for your mouth. Advantages...
Adult Braces – Some Facts You Should Know

Adult Braces – Some Facts You Should Know

Adults & Braces — Some Facts You Should Know Like acne and school dances, getting braces is typically viewed as something a child or young teen may be forced to endure. If a child’s teeth aren’t coming in straight, it’s almost always the...