The Dental Dangers of Smoking… and How to Stop

The Dental Dangers of Smoking… and How to Stop

Tobacco is highly addictive, and smoking is a huge daily problem for individuals all across America and throughout the globe. Many of these folks have a strong desire to quit. Of course, people mainly want to stop smoking because of the damaging effect that it has on...

10 Common Causes of Toothaches, part 1 of 2

What causes your toothache? Anyone who has ever had a toothache can tell you that it’s not pleasant. In fact, the pain of a toothache can get so intense that it’s difficult to even think straight at times. When you experience a toothache, it means that you...
3 Common Dental Problems

3 Common Dental Problems

Dentists treat a wide variety of dental problems on a daily basis. The unfortunate truth is that many people don’t take care of their oral health in the way they should, and when they visit the dentist, they’re often shocked at the condition of their teeth...