Summer is the time for hitting the beach, barbecuing with friends, playing out in the sun, and letting loose. Allowing yourself to enjoy some rest and relaxation, though, doesn’t mean that you should get careless with your oral health and dental routine. In fact, you should be extra diligent with the changing of the seasons. To ensure that you and your mouth both have a happy and healthy summer, here are a few tips for proper care and maintenance.


If you regularly hit the pool during the summer, listen up: frequent swimmers can develop yellowish-brown to dark brown stains on their teeth after prolonged exposure to chemical additives in the water. The brown spots are referred to as “swimmer’s calculus.” This condition is especially likely to occur in those who swim more than six hours per week. Work to prevent staining by brushing 3 times per day with an ADA-approved whitening toothpaste. If a buildup of swimmers calculus has already occurred, you should speak to your dentist about a professional deep cleaning.


Many people decide to explore the depths of the sea by trying SCUBA diving during the summer. When the proper precautions aren’t taken, though, jaw joint pain, gum tissue problems, or “tooth squeeze” (a pain in the center of the mouth) can occur. These conditions are related to biting too hard on air regulators. It’s a good idea to have your dentist check out your overall level of dental health and discuss the fitting of your air regulator’s mouthpiece before hitting the water.

Moderate Intake of Sweets

Summertime fairs, festivals, and trips to the boardwalk often lead to the consumption of sweets like ice cream, sugary lemonade, cotton candy, soda, and more. The high volume of sugar present in these types of foods can lead to excess plaque, cavities, and the loss of tooth enamel. To avoid these problems, be sure to moderate your snacking. After eating or drinking something sugary, be sure to brush your teeth right away. If brushing isn’t possible, chew on sugarless gum for 20 minutes. This can reduce tooth decay and plaque.

Treat Teeth Kindly

We see it all the time – a patient walks into our office with a chipped tooth after attempting to open a bottle with their teeth or chewing on ice. Although it can be tempting to try to use your teeth as a bottle opener when you’re craving a cold one, remember that your teeth aren’t tools. Save yourself from the pain and expense of dental issues by using your teeth only for their intended purpose.

Use Mouth Guards

Summer sports enthusiasts, beware! You could very well be putting your teeth at risk when you don’t work to protect your mouth. Custom mouth guards can be made to safeguard teeth. These mouth guards are fitted to your mouth for maximum comfort and protection. Making the small initial investment will help to reduce the likelihood of cracked or chipped teeth, bleeding gums, and jaw injuries.

Don’t Forget Your Lips

Although most people remember to apply sunscreen on their bodies before spending time outdoors, many tend to forget about their lips. This is a huge problem because your lips are more susceptible to burning than most other parts are of your body. By utilizing a lip balm with an SPF of at least 15, you can prevent the pain and discomfort associated with burning while also taking preventive measures against developing skin cancer.

Whether any of the above apply to you or not, it’s important that you maintain your oral healthy throughout the year. Summer is the perfect time to get a dental check-up, so it’s time to call Dr. Bruce McArthur, DDS and set up an appointment.