Yes, Busy Moms … You Can Have Clean Teeth, Too!

These days, moms can really have it rough. Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom, a single mother, or have a flourishing career to take care of, it’s sometimes difficult to get everything done each day in a 24-hour period, and that often means that certain things fall by the wayside. Unfortunately, oral health is one of those things that busy moms can quickly take for granted.

Caring for your teeth should not be something that you take lightly, no matter how busy you are, but it’s an easy thing to forget about if you’re not careful. The good news is that busy moms can have clean teeth, too. It’s not a difficult goal to achieve once you keep a few simple things in mind, which we’ve detailed for you right here:

Drink Water Throughout the Day

With all the sodas and various flavored drinks that are chock-full of sugar and unhealthy ingredients on the market, many people forget to drink enough water on a regular basis. The truth is that drinking eight cups of water on a daily basis can improve your health in a number of ways, and this includes your dental health because it flushes toxins from your mouth, clearing it of bacteria that can cause cavities and other issues. You should always have drinking water available in a variety of places, such as a water dispenser in your kitchen, a pitcher in your fridge, a full glass on your nightstand before bed, and a bottle in your car. This will keep you hydrated all day and will improve your oral health.

Carry Toiletries in Your Purse

You never know when you might find yourself in a situation where you need to brush your teeth or freshen your breath. This is why it’s always a good plan to keep toiletries for clean teeth — toothbrush, toothpaste, and mouthwash — in your bag at all times. While these items are available at your corner drugstore, it may not be convenient for you to plan a trip there because, as the saying goes, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Keeping toiletries in your purse can also be a godsend at the office after you’ve eaten a lunch that is less than favorable for your breath.

Keep Healthy Snacks Available

Yes, we realize that the vending machine down the hall is an enticing option. Where else can you find potato chips, licorice, and cookies all in one convenient location? These items are not healthy, however, and will do harm to your oral health. Instead of relying on vending machines or even fast food, what you want to do is keep healthy snacks in your car. What you choose is up to you, but a few examples include fruits, vegetables, nuts, pretzels, seaweed snacks, popcorn, and protein bars. For packaged items, what you want to focus on are items that are high in protein, but low on sugar and with few ingredients. Concentrating on these types of snacks, whether packaged or not, will provide you with healthy alternatives to fast food and candy throughout the day.

Whether you’re a busy mother or father, it’s important that you maintain a healthy regimen for clean, strong teeth. Having a reliable dentist to help you reach your goals is a great start, and that’s why you should give Dr. Bruce McArthur, DDS a call right away. With many years of experience, our office can help you meet all your dental needs and give you back the oral health that you once had or help you maintain what you’ve fought so hard to achieve. Contact us today for more tips or to schedule an appointment!