Tricks to Help Your Breath Stay Fresh Throughout Your Hectic Day

What’s that smell? Is it me?

At one point or another, most of us have had this thought while immersed in conversation with a friend or co-worker. Having bad breath (or even worrying that you might) can make you feel self-conscious, embarrassed, and unhygienic. And while you can brush and rinse while at home, you may find yourself unable to perform these routines while on-the-go. Fortunately, keeping your breath fresh throughout the day is easier than you might imagine. Here are a few fail-safe – and completely natural – ways to keep your mouth happy all day long.

Starting the Day Right

Ever wonder what causes “morning breath”? Your digestive system works hard all through the night to remove toxins from your body, many of which are then deposited on your tongue. Tongue scrapers are the most effective tools for removing these toxins and bacteria which can cause foul odors. After scraping your tongue, brush your teeth well. Using baking soda can help to reduce acidity levels that promote bacteria growth. Be sure to floss and rinse, as desired.

Good Habits Throughout the Day

Here are a few quick tips to follow throughout the day to keep your breath smelling fresh:

  • Reach for H20 – One of the simplest ways to keep your breath fresh is to drink plenty of water while minimizing the consumption of coffee and soft drinks. Water is odorless, will wash away bacteria and debris, and won’t stain your teeth. What better motivator to stay hydrated than the promise of fresher breath?
  • Floss Regularly — Flossing is an absolute must if you hope to prevent nasty stuff from accumulating between your teeth. All-natural dental floss will make it simple for you to remove plaque and food particles from between your teeth that would otherwise release an unpleasant odor while causing damage to your gums. It’s a good idea to always keep a container in your purse, glove compartment, or your office desk drawer.
  • Leave it to Leaves — Mint and parsley leaves can be a real lifesaver! These leaves are high in chlorophyll which has a natural deodorizing effect. Although simply chewing on the leaves will certainly help to provide you with relief, swallowing the leaves and allowing them to be digested will provide continuous breath freshness for quite awhile. This is because mint and parsley plants seem to reduce the production of intestinal gas and promote improved digestion.
  • Stimulate Saliva — When it comes to washing away food particles and bacteria, saliva is your very best friend. When your mouth is dry, though, you’re not generating enough saliva to get the job done. Chewing on natural gum is the perfect solution. Gum made from spearmint or peppermint essential oils will not only help to simulate saliva production, but the oils will also eliminate odor-causing bacteria, allowing you to kill two birds with one stone!
  • When You Have Lemons — No, don’t make lemonade – freshen your breath! Lemons are nature’s natural cleaners. Although you want to avoid introducing too much acid to your teeth as it can wear away your enamel, sucking on a lemon can be used in dire situations, such as instances where you need to neutralize onion or garlic breath.

Ending the Day on a Good Note

Prevent the buildup of excessive plaque and bacteria by going to bed with a clean mouth. Always brush and floss thoroughly before turning in for the night.

Establishing a daily oral hygiene routine is the most effective means to ending problems associated with unpleasant breath. By taking just a few simple steps, you can boost your confidence and feel fresh around the clock in a way that is safe and completely natural. For more helpful tips, contact the office of Dr. Bruce McArthur and we’ll get you started on your future of healthy teeth.