Traveling Soon? Don’t Forget These Dental Essentials

Although we don’t have a whole lot of time before summer ends, many families are still planning to take a trip before the season is out. The travel essentials that most people consider are things like clothes, sunscreen, and electronic games for your kids to keep them occupied (and quiet — let’s be honest here).

But what about dental essentials? A vacation should be fun, but that doesn’t mean that it’s okay to forgo the need for proper dental health. Yes, it may sound a little stodgy, but the simple truth is that going even a few days or a week without proper oral care can damage your teeth and prompt a visit to the dentist after you get back home where one could have been avoided.

What are these essentials exactly? These are the ones that we would recommend:

Toothbrush and Floss

These are obviously a no-brainer. The most important things to take with you to ensure proper dental health are your toothbrush and floss. If you want to save some space or don’t want to take your normal toothbrush with you for whatever reason, then pick up a travel toothbrush for the trip. You can find a travel brush at any local drugstore or even at the airport or hotel in case you forgot yours or lose it.

Toothbrush Holder

To avoid your toothbrush coming into contact with other items in your bag, it’s recommended that you pick up a toothbrush holder. This will keep bacteria and germs from other items away so that you don’t brush your teeth with an infected brush.

Travel Mouthwash

Most containers of mouthwash are kinda big, so you might want to avoid sticking a standard-size bottle into your bag unless you have plenty of room. A great alternative is to pick up a travel-size container. These can be found at your local drugstore as well. This is especially important if you’re flying since a travel-size bottle will conform to TSA regulations.

Pack of Gum

Truth be told, you should always have a pack of gum nearby for “fresh breath” emergencies. This is especially important when you’re on vacation because you never know where you might end up or what you might be doing. It’s possible that you may be away from a bathroom for an extended period of time and chewing on a piece of gum can help freshen your breath and keep your teeth clean in a pinch.

Plastic Baggie

If you simply toss your dental supplies in your bag, you’re just asking for trouble. With all the movement that happens on a trip, there’s a good chance that you might find yourself with an exploded tube of toothpaste or spilled mouthwash. To keep the rest of your belongings safe, keep your dental care items in a plastic baggie.

Paraffin Wax

Here’s one item that many travelers don’t consider. While on vacation, anything can happen. So you want to be prepared. For example, you could experience a chipped tooth due to summer-related activities or simple carelessness. If this happens, you can apply paraffin wax to the jagged edge to prevent cutting your mouth, which is a common occurrence when you can’t get to a dentist right away.

Carrying these items with you on vacation will help you ensure proper dental health. Once you return home, it’s a good idea to get your teeth checked out by a professional to avoid future problems. Dr. Mike Lueck, DDS has been treating patients for a variety of dental issues for several years. No matter what your problem might be, Dr. Lueck can get you on the track to better oral health. Give us a call and you can start today!